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Richland Student Media

HONORING THE DEAD: Professor explains ritual fall traditions

HONORING THE DEAD: Professor explains ritual fall traditions

October 31, 2022

Winter is nature’s metaphor for death. Impending signs of “aging” appear, such as the transition to cold weather, shifting of outdoor bustle of the summer to quieter indoor life, completion of harvest, slumber of the earth, burrowing and hibernation of animals, shed- ding of tree leaves, sallow branches, gray and dark sky, shorter days and longer nights. The time between October end and early November is a period of “in-between” - summer and winter, neither hot nor cold, halfway between the autumn equinox and winter solstice - a gateway between this world and another, the world of spirits.

Spirits are departed souls, who play the role of beneficent ancestors when appeased and malefic demons when dishonored. The traditions of Halloween, Dia de los Muertos, and Shraddha are three different rituals that honor the dead during this transitional time period.

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