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Richland Student Media

Hip-hop, round 2: You die, you lose

Hip-hop, round 2: You die, you lose

Benjamin LeBlanc, Staff Writer | May 20, 2024
Welcome to the world of hip-hop, where emcees battle for a large fan base and to stay relevant for a chance to become a billionaire. As times change, the strategies of positioning to survive the chaos of the music industry changes as well. Whether you are mainstream or underground, the fruits of hip-hop can be in abundance. Musicians should be mindful of the old saying, “Everything glitter ain’t gold.” A true lifestyle of being health conscious might allow someone to taste their sweet victory longer as a...
COMMENTARY: Hip-Hop, Round II, pt. 2

COMMENTARY: Hip-Hop, Round II, pt. 2

Benjamin LeBlanc, Staff Writer | April 23, 2024
Imagine this; you are a musician and finally get a shot at the big leagues. Someone in Artists and Repertoire (A&R) sets you up for a meeting, and for a finder’s fee, you to get a multi-million-dollar deal. The chance of a lifetime is waiting if you accept. You’ve been putting in the all the hard work and you deserve it. This is life changing money that you can’t make as a working individual… From the life of an entry level fry guy at McDonald’s to a life of the rich and famous. The ethics and morals of today’s...
Victor Montalvo breakdances in New York City in 2021.

COMMENTARY: The next 50 years of hip-hop

Benjamin LeBlanc, Staff Writer | March 30, 2024
Oddly, as 2023 was set as the landmark of hip-hop reaching its 50th anniversary, the culture comes out of celebrating to face the next 50 years of trials and tribulations. Can hip-hop make someone a billionaire or even a simple millionaire? Does hip-hop have any goals for a set mission? Where does hip-hop start to clean up the culture? Is this a true sustainable career? What is the evolution of hip-hop culture? Where does DFW stand on hip-hop and the whole rap culture? How can Dallas College and...
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