The Alpha Alpha Xi chapter of Phi Theta Kappa held its annual induction in the evening at the Richland College performance auditorium April 19. The ceremony is a traditional event meant to recognize chapter leadership for the coming school year. Many current members of the Alpha Alpha Xi chapter will be leaving their positions and moving forward in the next part of their academic journey.
Phi Theta Kappa is Greek for wisdom, aspiration and purity. It is the world’s largest and most prestigious honor society for two-year college students. Dallas College is part of the Alpha Alpha Xi chapter.
The Richland Campus is part of the Alpha Alpha Xi chapter. All eight members of the 2023-2024 officer team are students at Richland. These include Chapter President Arianna Villarreal, VP of Service Tony Ramirez, VP of Media Cameron Flores, VP of Public Relations Emily Ortiz, and VP of Fellowship Leen Al-Jame, who will be graduating and handing off their seats.
Some of the officers gave speeches highlighting the year’s struggles, challenges and accomplishments before the induction ceremony began.
During the ceremony, dozens of new members were inducted in accordance with the tradition of lighting a candle and swearing an oath pledging their allegiance to the organization and promising to uphold its standards.
Present at the ceremony as a special guest was Texas House District 102 State Representative Ana Maria Ramos, who was a former Dallas College student at the Eastfield Campus. Ramos gave a very inspirational speech stating the importance of what the inductees were doing. Ramos said that she faced many struggles during her time as a student at Eastfield including being a parent, doubt from others and doubt from herself.
“Many times I was told to quit. I was a high school dropout. I was told it was a waste of time. Do not give up,” were Ramos’ fighting words to the inductees.
Dallas College Richland Campus President Dr. Kathryn Eggleston gave the closing remarks.