In the City of Houston, Richland students, myself included, competed in the SkillsUSA Texas State Competition from April 17 to the 20.
This event brought together students from all over the state to showcase their skills and talents in various fields like automotive technology, graphic design, welding and culinary arts with this year’s theme being No Limits.
Leading up to the competition, we worked hard to prepare ourselves. We spent weeks preparing for our different contests, spending a lot more hours than usual on campus to walk the extra mile.
On the day of the competition, we were all feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement but were ready to give it our all.
As the contests began, everyone dove into their challenges with determination. Whether it was demonstrating technical skills or showing leadership abilities, each task was approached with enthusiasm to make sure that all our hard work wouldn’t go to waste. And to waste, it did not go!
When the results were announced, there were cheers and applause as everyone celebrated our success. Richland won an impressive 22 gold medals, seven silver, and two bronze.
It was a proud moment for everyone involved.
But beyond the medals, what made the experience truly special was the sense of friendship that developed among the students. Despite being competitors, everyone cheered each other on and formed bonds throughout the competition.
Looking ahead, the excitement is even stronger for the next chapter of this journey: the National Championship in Atlanta June 24-28.
It will be a challenging experience, but we’re ready to rise to the occasion and represent Richland with pride.
For many students, SkillsUSA has been a transformative experience. It’s helped them discover their passions, build confidence and make memories.
So here’s to the journey, to the challenges overcome and to the victories yet to come. Exactly like this year’s theme, there’s no limit to what we can achieve. Atlanta, here we come!