Richland Student Media

The Student News Site of Dallas College - Richland


Richland Student Media

Richland Student Media

Guns in school zones:

Guns in school zones:

Raine Caldwell, Staff Writer | April 4, 2023
In the event of a school shooter, I was told to run and hide in the corner away from any windows and lock any entrances. If I was in the restroom, I was out of luck. If I was in a hallway, I had to hope that a teacher would open the door to let me in and hide with them. When I experienced a gun incident, all of the rules went out the window, and the fear of being shot crept inside my mind.

CAASA: You are not alone

November 30, 2022

Sexual violence is a serious issue, universities and colleges are no exception. According to the anti-sexual violence website RAINN (, sexual violence in educational institutions is prevalent on campuses. Rainn also states that thirteen percent of all students experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence or incapacitation (among all graduate and undergraduate students). Among graduate and professional students, 9.7% of females and 2.5% of males experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation.

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