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Richland Student Media

Professor Juan Olivares takes his students to vote at Guadalupe Hall.

Voting with class

Haley Aguayo/Leo Rosas, Staff Writers | November 10, 2022

When Juan Olivares students signed up for his class in U.S. history class, little did they realize they might be helping to create it. Olivares is a history professor at Richland who decided to encourage some of his students to become participants in history. Therefore, he and one of his classes went to Guadalupe Hall to cast their votes.

“Being a history teacher, you are teaching the long history of how we got this political right so far in the 21st century. It took 200 years of activism, revolts [and] civil wars to get that political right, and what is going on in 2022? A lot of problems affect society, our politics. So what about if I provided an open space and opportunity for my students to make a big difference in this midterm election?” Olivares said.

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