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Richland Student Media


Ricky’s TAKE 5 – Thanksgiving Edition

Ricky Miller, Entertainment Editor | November 23, 2022

“Fantastic Mr. Fox” (2009) -- Wes Anderson directed this fun animated adventure- comedy based on the Roald Dahl book that finds Oscar- winner George Clooney pro- viding the voice of Mr. Fox, who takes care of his kin. That includes his wife, Mrs. Fox (Meryl Streep) and the rest of his family. Grade: A-

“Home For the Holidays” (1995) -- A pre “Iron Man” Robert Downey Jr., Oscar- winner Holly Hunter, Anne Bancroft, Charles Durn- ing, Dylan McDermott and Steve Guttenberg gather for Turkey Day festivities in this dysfunctional family comic- drama directed by Oscar- winner Jodie Foster. Grade: B


‘Oh Harry,’ … A cartoon by Jerry Weiss

Jerry Weiss, Staff Cartoonist | November 1, 2022

“Oh, Harry, he may have flunked your exam paper but how is he going to pass you now?”

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