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Richland Student Media

Richland Student Media

Voices from some of the teenage victims of gun violence are being used to lobby US lawmakers thanks to AI technology.

Dead kids robocall US lawmakers

Hevar Barzenji, Staff Writer | March 24, 2024
They may have been killed, but they will not be silenced. Families of kids and young adults who were slain by gun violence in incidents ranging from suicide to school shootings are using AI to recreate the voices of their loved ones and mailing them to politicians in the form of robocalls. Recently, they created a website that allows anyone with internet access to mail an audio recording of a loved ones’ artificially recreated voice to a politician of their choosing. Their goal is to get politicians to ban the...
ChatGPT’s Dall-E text-to-image model can create pictures, and now Sora can create videos.

OPINION: Don’t fear the Sora

Fredrick Nwaobilor, Staff Writer | March 20, 2024
On Feb. 15, OpenAI introduced the world to Sora, a new AI model that can generate more than a minute long video from a text prompt. According to OpenAI and with some examples, we were able to see the capacity of this innovative technology and it is more than impressive. All the user has to do is type out exactly what he or she wants and the AI model generates it. Computer-generated videos are not new to the public. We have seen cases of deep fakes, but these videos are created by teaching an AI to...
AI can replicate intelligence, but not art

AI can replicate intelligence, but not art

Xavi Villarreal, Sports Editor | January 10, 2024
Artificial intelligence or AI taking over the world has been a fascinating subject many storytellers have employed in order to entertain thousands, if not millions, of people for years, if not decades. I don’t believe AI can take over humanity due to the limitations AI has when it comes to movement, let alone the capability to think or give an opinion. Fascinatingly enough, AIs have advanced to the point...
ONLINE ONLY: It might be dangerous - a cartoon by Jerry Weiss

ONLINE ONLY: It might be dangerous – a cartoon by Jerry Weiss

Jerry Weiss, Staff Cartoonist | December 21, 2023
Chronicle staff cartoonist Jerry Weiss takes another look at AI.
To write or not to write with AI

To write or not to write with AI

Blanca Reyes, Editor-in-Chief | March 21, 2023
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become more and more popular as part of life. On the other hand, writing is an essential part of our daily routine, from sharing our lives in emails to taking notes in class. It should not be a surprise then that AI for writing and other creative tasks such as image generating and brainstorming has become a new reality. According to, AI writing programs are based on spell checkers on computers since the ’80s. Richland Campus English professor Dr. Kendra Unruh created a developing AI session for faculty in order to inform her fellow professors about the new technology. She explained that even though there are professors who are against the use of artificial intelligence in generating content for their classes, there are others, including herself, who support the use of this technology as a tool to do schoolwork.
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