It appears that we have another take on the Antichrist story in the movie “The First Omen.” This movie takes us to Rome in 1970, where Margaret, played by, Nell Tiger Free, is dropped off at a Catholic orphanage to become a full-fledged nun. She is not in Massachusetts anymore as she witnesses mass protest from young adults arguing for change in various issues.
Margaret has some problems of her own in the journey to “take the veil.” She discovers her new purpose for the church and does everything she can to change her fate.
Director and co-writer Arkasha Stevenson got her big break as this horror film was all hers. She directed the 2015 short “Vessels.” “The First Omen” has yet to gain traction as it is still in theaters. Only time can tell if it is truly one of the best horror movies of the year. With stars like Free, from “Game of Thrones” and Bill Nighy from ”Underworld” (2003), it is hard not to see its potential.
I came in with high expectations given the well-edited trailer but left with a bland taste in my mouth. “The First Omen” was extremely underwhelming and dull. All the supposed twist and turns were to be expected. The moments that should be eerie came with sighs inside the theater.
These moments also seemed little to do with the story itself and more with trying to place some mystery in the storyline. I did, however, like the theme of individuality in oneself and environment regardless of placement in life. The execution of this theme was not well written as the character’s choices provided no resolution to any of the problems.
The ending was quite confusing and hinted at some sort of addition in the future but did not provide enough lead-up for a viewer like me to go and look for one.
“The First Omen” should not be called a horror movie because I was not scared at all.
Grade: D